Diaper Program

Two Thursdays a month Guadalupe Family Services distributes diapers and, if available, wipes. The program is offered to all Camden City residents who have a child age three or younger. To qualify for the diaper program, you can register on one of the diaper days. When signing up, you must show a valid ID, your child’s birth certificate or crib card, and proof of residence. Once registered, you can name a proxy to collect your diapers. The diaper program is 100% donation-based and GFS will provide you with an emergency supply (about 20-35 diapers). Diapers are distributed during the designated Thursday from 3 pm to 5 pm, unless otherwise noted. Dates are posted on our Facebook page. During the month of December, the diaper program is suspended until January. If you have any questions or concerns, please give us a call at 856-365-8081.